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The group of novice bicyclists shown twice in this two-exposure panoramic photo follows the prescribed route, swerving left from the right side of the road, more or less into the crosswalk. As at Rock Harbor Road, there is no waiting area to the right of the crosswalk -- it is a crosswalk to nowhere. And the heavy vegetation and right-hand curve (left side of picture) obscure the cyclists' view of oncoming traffic. A merge to the centerline for a vehicular left turn would get the cyclists clear of traffic from behind, and place them where they could see traffic from the front before crossing the oncoming lane. But neither the engineers who specified the design of this intersection, nor these bicyclists, understand vehicular left turns.
Generated by JAlbum 7.4 / PositionMap 5.7.3
Photos and captions by John S. Allen
unless otherwise indicated.